
Is All I Ask

Věk 59 z Cleveland, Ohio Online Před 2 týdny

Žena Hledám A Muž

Obecné Řekni nám něco o sobě.
  • Sebe bych popsal(a) jako Hi Guys!!

    While I am somewhat reluctant and skeptical of meeting people in this fashion, I do feel strongly that anything is possible and in many aspects this just may be the best way. So, here I am giving it a try.

    I am a 5’3” tall African American with dark brown hair and brown eyes weighing 110 lbs; petite yet proportionate. I am a proud mother of a wonderful son who has his own family and is doing a wonderful job of raising my grand daughter. I work in administration with a large organization and have been for over 20 years. I own my home but am looking forward to selling and relocating very soon.

    Some of my interests are listening to jazz, going to the flea markets, garage sales, concerts, movies, plays, wineries, dining out, or just cuddling up and watching a good love story on the tube with my man.

    Pretty, attractive, beautiful, and even gorgeous is the way I am physically described by family, friends, and associates. I don't know about all that (lol) let's just say that I am not an eye sore. But what I do know, however, is that my personality and the passion I have for others far out weigh the physical and this is what I hope to find in him. I consider myself to be a direct, strong, sincere, and honest person who knows what she wants and very much so deserves.
  • Přihlásit Beran
Vzhled a situace Jaká je tvá současná situace? Popiš svůj vzhled.
  • Má postava je Štíhlá
  • Má výška je 1,6 m
  • Barva mých očí Hnědá
  • Můj původ je Afroameričan/ka
  • Můj rodinný stav je Singl
  • Mám děti Ano - se mnou nežijí
  • Mou nejlepší částí je Zadek
  • Barva mých vlasů Tmavě hnědá
Stav Co děláš?
  • Má úroveň vzdělání je Vysokoškolský diplom
  • Můj současný stav zaměstnání je Na plný úvazek
  • Mé zaměření je Administrativa / Management
  • Žiji Sám/sama
  • Doma Vše je v klidu
Osobnost Jak se chováš? Jaké jsou tvé chutě?
  • Na střední škole jsem byl/a Tichý jedinec
  • Mé společenské chování je Opatrné
  • Mé zájmy a koníčky jsou Hraní karet
  • Má představa skvěle stráveného času je Jít na koncert
  • Moji přátelé mě popisují jako Přátelská osoba, V pohodě
Chuť Co máš rád(a)?
  • V TV vždy sleduji Reality Show
  • Když poslouchám hudbu, pak vždy poslouchám Soul
  • Když čtu, tak nejraději čtu Fantasy
Hledám Co by měla mít tvá spřízněná duše?
  • Co hledáš? He must be a one woman’s man. He must be between the ages of 45 and 60. He must be respectful, honest, trustworthy, cordial, sincere, and caring. His integrity and credibility must be in tact. Children or young adults are okay as long as they are respectful. If I can be frank - personally, I don’t give a damn what nationality he is, how he looks, how tall or short, how much he weighs, where he works or how much money he makes. What will turn me on in the long run is his ability to keep it together when the haters decide that they’ve had enough of us, his past that he will always treasure but know that it is just that – his past, his mindset to continue to grow closer together, his strength to ignore the temptation and the game players; and most of all his love that will remain to be the root of our mission.

    Hope to talk with you soon. Until then, take care
  • Jaký typ vztahu hledáš? Odevzdaný/á

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